The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Here today, gone tomorrow...

This morning when we went for our walk I thought I had better snap these beauties. If the paperwork is correct, they will be gone by the end of the month. I'm not convinced they will hit the deadline, but I'd be gutted if they were gone when I got home and I hadn't had a chance to capture them in their glory. I'll miss our towers, I think they are pretty. Especially when the sky is blue and the early morning light falls on them.

Busy day at school, we had six hundred of our students doing triathlon today with Steve's company and it was fab. They loved it! I had loads of meetings and all sorts of things happened but it was all good stuff. After work I race home to get the girls and Pip had her stitches out...she was so good, didn't even flinch. She doesn't take after me! Then we went to Outklass and spent forty five minutes playing before I went in for my hour of training and thirty minute physio. I also took about two hundred pictures of Pippa and Lottie tonight and not one came out well. Hmph.

Home to tea, we all had rumbly tummies and Rags was ready for a play in the garden. And now, sitting in the garden watching the birds...yes, it has been sunny ALL DAY! Hooray! Now, I bet I have jinxed it for tomorrow!!

not long now...xx

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