Gilmerton Road

Hitherto, I'd not seen Cigs on illuminated bollards before. And then two get pointed out to me in the same week. Previously LizImbrie had pointed out a Morningside one and then up pops a post on Facebook from a colleague who spotted one whilst out with the dogs of an evening.

Tell you what, they're bloody difficult to do at night. I actually had to mess around with shutter speeds and stuff to get it to work. Tch...! But eventually after a lot of bemused looks from passers by I got one I'm happy with.

Black spray paint on bollard; undated - I'd hazard a guess at '13; they look fairly rudimentary but then spray paint on plastic is a tricky endeavour.

Then as I was out, I popped in. To see her and cook a light supper of chilli and lime prawns with halloumi and salad. Worked well.

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