Bulli Delight!!

Can you even see the girls, camouflaged in so much pink?!!

DELIGHTED to see the Bullivants!! I had ALL day trying to keep Asha occupied....kept her at home after a night of coughing so much she was making herself sick. 
Asha and Eve were incredibly cute upon being reunited - lovely! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A quiet day with Asha, and watching her slowly improve as the hours oassed by...
2) SUZY!! So wonderful to have a friend here who I have history with...Love all the new friends I have in Ibiza, but there's a lot to be said for long-standing friendships.
3) Asha & Eve getting on so well. It's going to be a fun and full-on 3 days!! 2 girls with BIG characters = ???!!!!

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