A Bus with a view!!

Took the bus into Bath today to run a quick errand. What should have taken ten minutes, ended up taking one hour and ten minutes (Spent entirely in one shop! Don’t ask!!). I knew I wouldn’t have time to look around Bath for a blip, so on the way into town I grabbed this view from the top deck of the bus. If you look here, you’ll see what a difference five months can make! (If you’re interested, you’ll also find some background information about Kelston Park by following the link.)

Also had to visit the Doc today, who’s advised me to follow the FODMAP diet. This means that, as well as eliminating gluten from my diet, I have to give up a lot of my favourite staple foods, including chocolate! But you’ll be pleased to hear that I can still eat as many triple cooked salty chips as I like, and more importantly, drink as much Prosecco as I like!!

(Thank you so much for all your recent kind words and good wishes. I’m sure you’ve all heard of the film ‘Four Weddings and A Funeral’, well the last month for me has been a case of ‘A Wedding and Three Funerals’. Let’s hope for happier and healthier times for one and all…)

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