
Fantastic day all the way around.  

I had a morning training, that yet again was enlightening.  It really put me in a good mood.  I work with some really wonderful people.  I am so blessed.  I spent the afternoon trying to get caught up with my email and phone messages.  Boy does that pile up when I'm not looking. 

Sugar had a really momentous day, as well. It was school picture day, so she was pretty excited.  It is the one day a year that she gets to wear her hair down, and not in a braid.  I became a pretty big deal when she got her first real compliment from a boy.  OH dear......5th grade, y'all.  It's getting REAL up in here.  It was sweet, though, and made her day.  

She had TAP class after school, and I went to the library.  How can that not be amazing?????  I took this photo when we got home.  It is starting to get dark so much earlier...which I do not love, but I did have fun outside with a flashlight and my camera.  This is definitely something different. 

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