...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

When the girls see Miles and I through the school door at pick up they speed over to greet us. Arms flailing and huge smiles (unless mommy stops to take a picture...then Hadley looses her mind). I like to think they are excited to see me...but I suspect it's mostly big brother.
Every day the teachers tell me how great the girls did. They love school, love meal times with their friends, and love their teachers. They have yet to have a bad day!! (Knock on wood).
Tonight after the sisters went to bed Miles and I made chocolate chip banana bread and we decided to give his teachers each a piece. So we also made cards. I think Miles officially has his first crush...on teacher Kelly. He wanted to make sure she had the "best" piece of bread, made sure her card was pink because "she likes that color" and spent EXTRA time writing her letters. Totally adorable.

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