
By MaybeDailyBob


This writing business. Pencils and what-not. Over-rated, if you ask me. Silly stuff. Nothing in it.
There is a field next to Beechcroft Farm Shop it has quite a few donkeys in it; not run of the mill donkeys these are for show. Opposite the farm entrance there is this donkey separated off from the others. No idea why but it has been there for a few weeks now, I did wonder if we might be treated to a baby donkey but it doesn't look pregnant. I was out looking for blips and stopped; well one never knows there might be a photo there and it came wandering up to be made a fuss of. Somewhat bizarrely it had a mouth full of holly; I have heard that they eat thistles but why anything would eat holly leaves I don't know.
I am finding the commentary in Blip a struggle at the moment. I have always worked on the basis why write a book if a chapter will do, a paragraph is an improvement and if I can get away with w a few bullet points yippee. I guess I am never going to be a novelist.
Hence the Eeyore quote.

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