
By Marlytyz

Naming and Shaming

I think it is fair to say that 'naming and shaming" is not something I indulge in often if at all.  However, sometimes even the most even tempered of us get pushed beyond endurance.
Some background, my other half has a love of the aesthetic, but practicality is not his strong point.  He was therefore very keen to place some old tiles above the Aga a few weeks ago.  I hadn't used the top plates for a while but decided to make some drop scones yesterday. I smelled a rat when he said he didn't feel like drop scones.  Something was up as he never refuses an offer of something sweet.  I was right, the tiles had been placed in such a way that the top no longer opened.  I shouted, he came running sheepishly telling me not to worry as he had designed something that would allow me to open the top without moving the tiles.  Please see the invention above.  You will not be surprised to know that the tiles are being moved tomorrow - hopefully.

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