Grumpy Old Git

By GrumpyOldGit

Three Apples, Two Cherries and a Pear

Today has again been spent in Cambridge, mostly at Addenbrookes hospital. Everything ran late, the waiting area was crowded and airless, so it was uncomfortably noisy and hot. Eventually we got back home and I went out into our lower garden/orchard to cool off in the fresh air among the trees. So today's picture is of a part of this section of the garden, looking up towards the border Mrs GOG has been clearing, with the area to the right of the picture being the part of the garden that has been left to go wild, for the wildlife. The total area of this lower part of the garden, somewhat more than can be seen in the picture is about 1/3 Acre and it is a delightful area to relax in. Unfortunately, having relaxed in it, I now know that the grass once again needs cutting!

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