and immediately I saw a "face" in either half. I am fond of apples and since a short time now I see the pips forming eyes and belief it or not, every apple has its own individuality. I do not notice something like human expressions or even sentiments here of course, but somehow it appeals to me.
That's why I cropped a bit, changed the colour and left the stem out, and now it is my contribution to the Abstract Thursday challenge, friendly hosted by youoregon1.
Today was really a grey, misty day. We completed our job in the garden, hurrah! and in the afternoon drove to Herstelle (again). Took the path that follows the road but that goes much higher up. Not that one has a view from there, because the branches of the tree prevent that.
Then we walked to the end of a street and visited the very old jewish cemetry, a small one, with large stones standing more or less erect.

My haiku:

Symbol of old times
Sacred, myth or fairy tale
My apple's silent

And the proverb:

To upset the apple-cart.

1796  Grose, Dict. Vulg. T.  Knock or throw him down.

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