
By DawnAgain


I was down at Winchester today as for the next three months I'll be doing the Engaging Students in Learning (ie teaching) module which we have the option of doing as part of our Post-Graduate Certificate in Research Skills. Although this module, unlike the rest, isn't compulsory it would seem daft not to do it when they're offering it as part of the deal and, you never know, it could even lead to gainful employment. Even if it doesn't I will have a few more letters to put after my name as it leads to being an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, apparently. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the first session and it'll be nice spending regular time with other students for a change as I'm usually home-based on my lonesome.

Before the session started I took only my second ever foray into the library. Because it's an hour's drive for me I usually get everything through my local library (and they provide an excellent service for me, the only person in the village who ever requests weird inter-library loans and obscure journal papers about burials). However, I needed a few things in a hurry so I hit the shelves and managed to find my way round without any problems. I could happily have stayed longer as there were plenty of books I'd have enjoyed browsing through and it was good to see Julian Cope's The Modern Antiquarian in there - I was a big fan of his in my youth.

One of the books I was looking at today I had previously borrowed via my local library/inter-library loans. When I looked inside it I noticed someone had handwritten some notes on a few of the pages. Tsk tsk, I thought. I was struck by how similar the handwriting was to my own...and then I realised that it WAS my own! One day I must have got carried away with my note taking, thinking that I owned the book (I have a lot that I do own). Fortunately the jottings are in pencil ;)

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