Chris M

By chrism


This cat is called Ginger. I can't imagine why. Any ideas? He's a pretty cool cat and he likes to play at being a purry scarf. He likes to be on my friends shoulders as she gets on with her life. He's playing that game when I took this blip. I like the shadow of the fur on his eye. (Eyeshadow?)
I rather like my friends kitchen so I think I will show it to you in bits over the next wee while. A blip whenever I am there.
Today was a snowy, sunny, haily, galey, sleety, rainy sort of day. At one point it was snowing and there was a rainbow (snowbow?) the camera battery was on charge though.
I was going to a poetry reading tonight but lost track of time - stupid! The poet is Tony Curtis ( not the terrible old ham Hollywood 'actor') but a good poet from Dublin.
Tomorrow is a day to walk across the hills a bit - no matter what. I know, work - but walking across the hills is sometimes important. I'll do the work as well - honest.

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