The Way of Colour

By Beachcomber149

Holding it all together

Warm today, 19C with a fair amount of cloud.
Took some time this morning to catch up with my blip subscriptions after the week away.

Also began some family history research to check and extend some new information I picked up in the Hoy Heritage Centre last week. The later censuses and monumental inscriptions will be my first port of call, and no doubt questions will be left open to be answered next time we go to The Scotland's People Centre in Edinburgh.

Maeve the Deerhound and I got back into our routine and had our usual walk after lunch. The bridle path is becoming almost impassable in places with chest high grass on some stretches along its half mile length. Maeve disappeared from time to time! I hope the farmer or the council will run a tractor mower down the path soon or we won't be able to use that route to the level crossing and the beach at Westhaven.

We saw two people at the Fishermen's huts today and said a passing hello as we wandered along looking for some things to blip. One of the boats lined up at one end of the area in front of the Fishermen's huts provided the blip today. A couple of ropes are slung over the boat to hold it on to an old trailer and they are linked together with what looks like some sort of carabiner or a some similar type of metal device. All have seen better days :-)

Back to watering the pots and greenhouse too, and an hour spent trimming bits and pieces and weeding along the street side of the front garden border was as pleasant as it could be in the warmth of the afternoon.

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