Ernvall Goes

By sernvall14

Watoto Children

Sunday was a good day all around. I got up early to meet my friend Tiffany Hines at Christian Life Center to see the Ugandan Children's Choir perform. The choir has been traveling the United States for five and a half months now and they are on the last few weeks of their tour. A few kids shared their testimonies and the singing and dancing was just awesome! Tiffany works at the church so we got to hangout with the kids for a few after the service and they are so so so sweet. One of them, Innocent, reminded me so much of Robbie from Isubilo, it was crazy!

After that I went and spent the rest of the morning to afternoon at my church talking about 'Love'. Pastor Chuck really brought it home.

Finally, I wrapped up the day with going on a date with this guy named John. He stepped out of the car with flowers and was super sweet. We had dinner and then walked the pier along Lake Michigan. Before it got to late we parted ways and called it a night. Not to bad of a day if I may say so myself.

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