Just a TINY needle.......

....and just a little pinch as it goes in! Not that everyone believes it when you tell them that!!  I've been a nurse for a long time & have been an IV expert for many of those years--if I had a dollar for every one I've inserted I'd be rich!   My co-workers come get me when they have problems getting a line in, & one of them even refers to me as "the vein whisperer" which never fails to make me laugh! I've been asked so many times how I can get them in when others can't, & I always say  it's a combination of experience, skill, luck, & of taking the  time to gauge each person--if someone is terrified of needles (& trust me, many people are) you need to take time to help them relax before you try putting a needle in their arm! You have to figure out what works best--explaining every move you're going to make, using family or other staff for distraction, using humor, etc.  I'm a big proponent of humor, but only if it's a person that I think will appreciate it, as some don't! 
And now that I'm thinking about it, I think they should be paying me more money for doing all these IV insertions!! Yeah, definitely, a LOT more money!! After all, I AM the "vein whisperer"!! Hahaha!

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