One step at a time!

By IanO

Happy birthday Ian

Just on my way to work early one morning last week and Pam spotted these birds on the telephone wires and said to me "there's a Blip for you". She's definitely got a good eye for a picture and I think this works really well. My most favourited Blip came at her suggestion, so I have learned to take her advice in these matters.

Yes it really was my birthday last week, many (many, many) years ago I was 13 on Friday the 13th but thankfully they have always turned out lucky for me!

I hope you are all keeping well, apologies for my abysmal commenting just lately, purely due to such a busy worklife! Secretly I am very pleased about this as I have been absent far too much in the last five years and I am feeling so well just now :-) 

Got to make hay while the sun shines!

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