Lichfield Cathedral

I decided to go on the bus into Lichfield for a study day about the Cathedral Library. It was dry and I wanted to check that my new boots were really comfy enough for walking a distance.

I hadn't realised just how sparkly and lovely the light was.  The bus came quickly and I found myself in Lichfield very early. Of course, I headed for the Cathedral to capture this magnificent and under rated treasure with the autumn colours.

I was just indulging myself and taking lots of photos when a pretty young girl came up and offered to take a photo with me in it. I thanked her and explained that I was a local and was just reminding myself how lucky we are. She said that she lived in the Close and often saw people taking photos and she was happy to help them have their own photo in the memory. Her charm was totally in keeping with the perfection of the day.

The lecture was fascinating.  It was a study day run by NADFAS and I was reminded of the Library treasures - The St Chad's Gospels (older than Lindisfarne and currently in the British Museum on loan), a Justinian Codex, tracts and other illuminated documents, an edition of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, a Wyclif Bible... and 19th Century beautiful watercolours painted of churches inside and out by the wife of one of the clergy.

And my boots proved comfy too.

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