The Vital Signs

This large tree at the corner of Bruntsfield Links was having its vital signs recorded by the belt of sensors wrapped around the trunk. Apparently it was all designed to test whether or not the bole of the tree was hollow, and if so, it would need to get the chop.

There has been much activity on the tree front around the Dower house this year. Many trees have been felled completely and many other pollarded to the bare trunk, leaving an eyesore until there is a lot of new leaf growth.

New saplings have been planted to fill the gaps, a motley selection of different species which I will never encounter as huge mature trees.
It was always comforting to know that the old trees lining the pathways were the very ones my grandparents and parents passed every day and which gave a sylvan view to a century of patients in the old Royal Infirmary.

The other news of the day is that His Lordship and I went food shopping and travelled back sitting together on the same bus. When I commented on this to him, he replied it was good that I had behaved myself.
You have to love those blameless husbands!

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