In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

If it wisnae fur yer wellies...

far wid ye be?
Wet feet at the very least, as, no doubt, some ill prepared festival goers woud have found out at last weekend's Isle of Wight mud bath.
Well these are,( or should I say were?) Arya-June's favourite welly boots.
Sadly, one day, one very wet day, a couple of weeks ago, on her way to nursery, they sprung a leak.
So she decided that she wanted them given to us so we could plant something in them and have them in our garden. And here they are.
Speaking of nursery; last week she announced to her mum as they arrived at the doors of the school, that she was big enough to go in herself now, and didn't need her mum to come in with her.
She is 4.

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