Tarawera Times

By Megl


I really love the form of the dogwood flowers, there is something so intriguing about them with all the curls and shapes and touches of colour. Spotted a bush on my morning walk and brought one home with me.

Seem to have had a busy day in the office with quite a bit of camera club stuff to attend to, so took some time out to have a play with the flower.

I ended up putting a diffuser against the window where the sun was pouring in, and got out my remote flash units. These are something that I have had for awhile and not really used much, don't know why as they really can create some great effects. But today I very simply put the flash on the floor pointing up and added a bit of back light to it.

Now must get on and make some cards for the stand I am having at the Spring Fair on Sunday. I have them all printed, just a case of putting them together.

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