
By Croz


I decided that for today's blip I would restrict myself to photographing something within the confines of my garden. I knew this may prove to be a challenge. I decided to look for something on the ground and came upon what I first considered to be a molted feather. On closer inspection I realised that what I initially thought were black ants near to the item were in fact something quite different, tiny humanoid aliens. I unclipped my lens cap and prodded the macro Nikkor towards the miniscule beings. They moved at lightening speed and disappeared inside their craft. With intense urgency I clicked the shutter and as I was about to fire again the spaceship zoomed off and away across the lawn, lowlevel at first and then with a turbo boost, the machine shot skyward towards the pale lemon coloured winter sun. If you look closely you can detect a rectangular window/cockpit and some strange symbols/designs towards the front of the vehicle.

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