A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

Secret Tunnel

I suppose it behoves a boardgame-friendly B&B to have a secret tunnel in one corner.  This one's under the Conservatory, so I guess we should look under the Lounge for the other end...

Spent most of the day either in the loft fitting a makeshift lid to the water tank, followed by drilling drainage holes in the bottom of the fishpond.  No, this is not normal for a fishpond, but then it's not normal to have fishponds indoors.

And it is unsurprising to have damp in the other side of the wall from an indoor fishpond...

We've got a cactus specialist coming tomorrow with a van load of plants and we're converting the 'pond' to a cactus bed over the next few days.  Hence the need for rather more drainage, even more than the foot or so of hardcore and gravel will endow.

As to the real purpose of the 'tunnel' - it's either the vestige of a passageway that got re-engineered when the Victorians added the assorted Gothic bits on the front of the house, or it's a rather clever Georgian 'cavity wall' keeping the worst of the damp from the cellar, at which it is quite effective.

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