Wild Waves...Part Two

Last night, at another lighthouse, we watched as the waves battered the seawall. Thwump, thwump, thwump.

The battering continued this morning. I snuck out of the hotel room this morning at 7:10, and arrived at this lighthouse (Manistee) at 7:20. The sun was scheduled to rise at 7:45.

It was dark and cold (38F), but I was prepared with a few layers on my upper half, double stocking caps, and a pair of thin gloves.

After trying many shots in the near-dark conditions (should have used my tripod), I finally made it on to the pier. I was feeling pretty good about my sunrise show-up, until I talked to a fisherman.

"Hey buddy, you getting any good photos?"

"Probably a couple, but I just got here."

"Just got here? I've been here since 2 a.m."

2 a.m.!!! Those fishermen are really dedicated.

The sun finally shed some light on the light, and I took more than a few shots. I could have watched the breaking waves for hours and hours, but we were still over 200 miles from home.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/albums/72157660008313682 Have a look at my Flickr page. All of them are of the lighthouse, because it's the only thing I took today.

Glad I got up early.

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