
By ChrisGroucutt


We've been to the zoo! Part of little'un's birthday present was a 'mini-zoo keeper experience' and today was the day to get it done. So off we trotted to the local zoo and a splendid time was had by all.

Had a choice of blips for today, but ultimately chose this one, purely based on my own recollections of this chairlift when I was a kid. The zoo's iconic chairlift was built in the 50s, a real piece of history, but has recently been out of order for over a decade. So when we turned up and saw it all up and running, well, it just had to be done.

I'm not sure we'll have zoos around like this one for much longer. They have fallen very much out of fashion, for various reasons, many of which I agree with, but there's no denying there's still a certain magic there, especially for the little ones. When these type of zoos finally disappear it will be a great pity, but probably a welcome one. If that makes sense.

I've put up a couple of extras of a couple of the animals we saw. Seems daft to go to a zoo and not show any really, although this may mean I've exceeded my cat quota for this month. Apologies.


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