
I'm so out of date on here its getting silly - but I've identified which photos to back-blip for Tuesday through Saturday at least.

Today we met up with some of the friends Matthew used to go to sing and sign classes with (and we haven't seen in far too long) at Anglesey Abbey. Collecting autumn leaves in buckets went right out of the window once we found huge drifts of leaves in a ditch to stomp through, pile up, bury mummy in and throw in the air.

The tree house and wobbly bridge and straw bales for camber ing on were all hits too. And all in all in was a fab day out. Matthew did come off his bike with quite a bump at one point and needed a lot of calming down since he was tired and hungry by then - he demolished his lunch once he was ready for it though and agreed he'd had a nice day out.

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