
By FergInCasentino

Flower of Scotland

How sad and cruel that Scotland succumbed to the Wallabies at the last gasp. As someone said during the game, 'They'll not be welcoming Craig Joubert [ the ref] in the Cairngorms'. 

What an exhausting weekend watching rugby. Sport eh? You've got to love it. Argentina were a revelation and Ireland and Wales lost on the day with all their injuries and missing stars. But, as someone else said, 'If you're good enough to play on the day you have to take the consequences' or something akin to that.

Vern Cotter's dignified interview after the Scotland game brought a tear to my eye. The All Blacks were imperious.

I had a quick visit with John and he sang a wonderful version of 'Scots Wa Hae' as the Scotland team walked out on the pitch. Then it was back to the sofa's edge.

A bit brighter this moring as I reread bits of Ian Frazier's classic account of 'The Great Plains'. A wonderful book, I reckon. He's also written one about Trout Fishing. On the strength of his book I've ordered an interesting looking book on 'The Destruction of the Bison' by Andrew Isenberg. He was eloquent on the dominant grass of the Great Plains - the blue grama - that seems to have amazing nutrient qualities in the semi-arid/arid conditions of the Great Plains.

Not much time for blipping so another of those bloody squash on the lawn.

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