This is the latest motherless feral kitten to be found on campus by neighbour friends.   Very pretty and affectionate female, about 10-12 weeks old.  She has some kind of fungal infection - and so she is now at the vet for treatment.  Tomorrow is a big kitty day on campus.  Vets from the local council are coming to (try and) round up all the feral cats - the population has at least doubled during the summer to worrying numbers - and will take them away, neuter them, give them their inoculations and bring them back at the end of the week.  Quite a lot of us cat lovers are volunteering to help and observe.  Meanwhile this little girl will probably now get the 'private health care' treatment - and therefore joins the ranks of the 'lucky' ones, like Harry.   

A quiet day, knitting and TV gazing.   

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