Doug and Diane's Mailbox

Dear Diary,

My neighbors had the most interesting mailbox.  I said "had" because it has recently been removed because it had weathered away.  So I asked Diane if she might have a photograph of it since I wouldn't be able to record it for this journal.  This is her image.

I wanted to include it in my journal because, besides being quite comical looking, it is a good example of the impulse in the human spirit to create.  Doug is a master carver and has built amazing a small temple on their property.  I'll get over there to photograph that for sure.  Diane is very creative as well and worked as an art therapist for several years.

There is in each of us a need to express ourselves in some way.  It could be through knitting or woodworking or gardening of cooking but it is part of our humanity.  Some excel to stunning heights with their efforts while the vast majority of us just do it, whatever "it" is, for the love of it.  It doesn't matter how "good" we are at it, it is the doing that is important.  I have a little art piece that sums it up nicely:

What would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?   

I have been a “maker of things” my whole life and I credit my grandmother, mother, father and aunt for it.  I can’t imagine my life without some form of creative effort.  I spent my entire working career encouraging others to express themselves as an art teacher.  Creativity is just your intelligence having fun and this mailbox is a perfect example of that.

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