Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Yet *Another* Visitor!

I really cannot believe this. Our back deck has taken on a life of its own this year! I have never seen such a variety of moths as this year.

As I was busily bustling about from house to garage and back again, Daughter asked if I had seen "the moth"? After she asked, I looked around. Sure enough, there sat the most amazingly "decorated" moth I have ever seen.

I studied this fellow over and over.....from his fuzzy brown teddy bearlike body to the featherlike antenae, to the white scallops on his wings, and tiny white circles on the sides of his body....The funny thing is, I have not found a moth like this one on the internet. I am sure it's there, I just have yet to find it!

So, I guess the great "moth exhibition" will continue!

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