Job completed!

The water feature has been operational for a few days, but I was waiting for a sunny day to blip it. Well cloud is all we have had all week, so to save dragging this out until next spring, here it is!!

We are really pleased with the end results, which B has worked hard to assemble. I’ve been the gaffer, deciding what was needed and sourcing the bits and pieces. Thank goodness for the Internet for most of the components!!

We are thinking about getting another raised bed for plants this time.

Collected the girls this afternoon and after a very quiet journey we turned into our driveway. They kicked off with such a racket that I wondered what they had seen. I had a peek round the front of the house and there was my furry friend from yesterday. She must have seen the car returning and came to investigate. Good sense has sent her away for this evening. 

She wasn’t about when we took the girls for a walk, a new route down to the river / canal / some sort of waterway which drains in to the Fossdyke.

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