Ray of light or bottomless pit?!

I woke fairly early to a sunny morning so rushed out to get a photo of the light falling through trees. Ended up in the Churchyard and had light shafts galore! Feeling happy I headed home! I spent the rest of the day doing mundain but essential tasks round the house, watering plants, tidying, loading washing machine and dishwasher, inbetween processing Goosey Fair! 
So today I got to process the light shafts - well what a dispiriting task that was! The photos looked fine in camera but once in Lightroom they were absolute buggers to process! Where had my lovely shafts of light gone? This is the one I liked the most and others are here -  there are loads more but I feel rather dejected and all at sea! If anyone knows what settings I should have used and tips in processing please feel free to tell me! Another thing on the list of things to research, practise and hopefully do better! 
Closing the chickens later was a pure joy - beautiful evening with a sliver of a moon and much fun incinerating chicken shavings! But I discovered the bottom had fallen out of the incinerator - so trip to Tavistock saturday to buy a nice shiny new one! Oh the heady heights of it all! 

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