
By FlyingPRGal

How the roses bloom...

Revamped a wilting rose bouquet this evening into a pretty display. Life has been a tad 'thorny' for my liking lately with rotten traffic on the daily commute, car problems then plumbing and technology issues resulting in me being a little 'prickly'.

Then this week as the temperature dropped and winter seemed to arrive I've seen the sunlight again. Perhaps the lure of a few days off to chill after 10 months with no break has helped.

I think the challenging days are there to make us appreciate the great days - and loyal friends - all the more!

I found this quote which seems appropriate to share with you:

"Roses and thorns are parts of the same plant. Somehow though, some people are concerned mainly about the roses. The rose is not on the plant for more than a week, but the thorns are there forever.
Roses are teaching that the beauty of life will bloom, once you have taught yourself the lessons given by living with the thorns."

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