The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline


These weeks are going ridiculously fast. The winter is noticeably on the way and the chill in the air is biting at my fingers!

For the first time since I have been on the treadmill regularly my legs have been aching! Really need to keep at it though & not get demotivated.

We had a quick team lunch out today - I could only stay for 30 mins which I felt bad about - I think I have a good team and I want to find a good way to make sure i thank them! Baking!!! Haha

Rosie has completely zonked out on my lap this evening. She is lying on her back, paws in the air with her snooze face on. I love the girls so much and am so pleased 2 years on they are totally at home.

In other news Steve bought new headphones - between shoes and headphone, the boy has enough to open his own shops! Apparently there are different headphone for different things! Who knew!?

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