
By Appreciation

The Constant

This bridge has been a constant in my life.  I often feel a need to visit to remind myself that no matter what is going on, good or bad, this incredible feat of engineering is still there.  It's not changed, it's not moved, it's no different to how it was yesterday, last year, or 50 years ago.  I find that reassuring, comforting even.

Today with mother was a busy shopping day.  Much is changing for her just now and she isn't able to keep up with the pace.  A pack of lard, some tomato juice, a cooker hood, a present and a look at some lighting was quite the list she presented.  By the time we returned home we were both exhausted.  

Her shopping lists haven't held the interesting surprises they used to for some time, however today she told me something quite unnerving. She suggested that two tiger cubs were in the bathroom the other morning and that despite acknowledging that this couldn't be happening, when she opened the bathroom door a second time there they were, playing happily with each other in the corner.  She laughed, I laughed, only my laugh was slightly more hysterical than hers.

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