Goosey Fair

This day went from the sublime to the fairly ridiculous! It started at dawn with me in Compassionate Girls field with my camera on the tripod and their dog ( no tedwin, not on the tripod, in the field!)  Their dog thought I was there to play with her, and usually I am more than happy to play with a dog, however with a camera and a sunrise she didn't stand a chance! I threw the ball once, absentmindedly as she had dropped it in front of me as I was crouching on the ground and both it and she were in my shot! Luckily for me, unluckily for her, I do not throw straight! It went to the left and I think the poor dog is looking for it still! 
The sunrise was gorgeous, mist over the valley and the tors of Dartmoor, sun striking the two huge chimneys, relics from the mining trade. Also The Husband brought me coffee and toast!! Unfortunately he presumed I didn't take sugar as no one does in his experience, but I do! So he trooped back across the field to the house to put some in! Finally tea in the house and a chat before CG had to go to work - neither of us had a watch so she was supposed to leave at 9.30, it was 11.30 when she did! Luckily it was not a day she usually worked and it was just to have a meeting with someone who does, and since CG is the boss...!  I set off home down the pot holed track, only to remember I'd left the tripod standing on the drive! Back I went! Thank heavens I didn't meet  CG as its a single file track! 
In the evening I took Friend into Goosey Fair. The main road is closed and filled with market traders, and the carpark is closed for the funfair! I managed to find a parking space by my dentist, a tight squeeze but I managed it! We strolled down into town, the noise and smells increasing as we went! I have been here many times with virtually every class I have ever taught  - you couldn't get a more sensory stimulating place! Crowds, music, sirens, food, toys, light up gadgets - heaven! Getting 7 children in wheelchairs through the crowds is quite an experience in itself! This time I was going purely for the photographic opportunities! Interestingly the best stall was the one selling photographs of the alphabet! You chose your letters to spell out a name! They  were very effective and I then began to take photographs of letters to spell out my name and my Friends! 
We left the noise and crowds and headed to the pub/restaurant where we had a damn fine meal and a good chat and catch up. The bread and olives with whipped butter and caramelised onion butter were divine, and then a Blue cheese and walnut tart with micro salad and Cornish news - which after asking I discovered were potatoes! I took 2 potatoes and the rest of the bread home with me! Also a very fine headache! We had intended to go back into the throng but with my head and Friends tiredness it was not to be. Horror of all horrors, when we got back to the car we discovered the cars either end of me had changed, and the newbies had boxed me in - stupid inconsiderate  arses! At this point both Friend and I could have burst into tears! I was not up for major maneuverings  and Friend just wanted her bed! Plus neither of us really believed I could get the car out! We were both proved wrong! Oh the joy of power steering, obstinacy, persistence and obviously rather good maneuvering skills from yours truly! 
I didn't think I had taken many photos - but I had! So opted not to even attempt the  sunrise and just did the Fair after all it only occurs once a year! This  took longer and was trickier than I had anticipated hence the backblip! The only way is up from here - only two sunrises to process now! Sorry I can't catch up with my own blips let alone anyone elses, but did manage to drop in on some today! 
All the fun of the fair is here!

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