Misty morning

A bit of frost on the car this morning, and there was mist about as I went to a meeting in Forfar - unfortunately nowhere to stop for the best views.
The meeting finished a little earlier than expected but it didn't mean a quietish day as I thought it might.
I headed to the community café and was welcomed with open arms, it was very busy, and had to get stuck into dishes and whatever was needed. Poor grandson was a bit neglected but he made friends with a couple of other small boys and seems quite happy.
Back home I had to repair pirate Selby whose hair was falling off! He was originally made for my son and taken over by grandson - so he hasn't done too badly and was still repairable.
Then a surveyor to get some more details for a porch we're having built, a read of the paper, dealing with the washing and unmade bed and then off to training with the running club.
Glad to sit down and look at photos now tea's eaten.

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