Glebe Sugar Refinery

Just back from our weekend away in Gourock. Had fun catching up with friends without the kids being there but am now knackered and in need of my bed. We headed off after 8 hours in the pub yesterday, but our friends kept on going through until 2am, and were all in a bad state when we visited them at 11 this morning.

Didn't get out blipping much all weekend, so stopped a couple of times on the way back home and took some shots. Heres one of them.

I love a lot of the old red & yellow brick buildings that are in Greenock, The Port & Gourock, especially the angular ones like this one. It's Grade B listed so I dont think it will get pulled down, but as there were fences around it I thought i'd better take some blips just incase.

Mrs P had me detour via the Blue & Yellow Sweedish Shed on the way back and pick up cram a lot of stuff into the Landy, which I'll need to now build up and install into #1 Son's room. Argghhh....


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