down the bunny hole

By flopsybunny

Look on the bright side

The weather was awful this morning and I thought I was never going to get out in the garden but by this afternoon the grey clouds gradually decided to disappear and the sun came out. I had some beans and peas that needed to be planted out so I set about putting compost in some big pots and making structures out of bamboo and twigs for them to climb up. Doing this I discovered that there were a lot of bees buzzing about and when I stopped to look I could see that they were going under a small gap under the bottom of the workshop, so they they must be nesting underneath! I believe they are red-tailed bumblebees.

After a phone call from my brother I decided to go on a blip hunt in the evening sun. This picture is exactly as it was taken, no cropping or for that, I am quite pleased :-)

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