
By Artminx

Lost n found

Last December I walked into a cocktail stick and it was well, rather painful. Its a rather long story but basically they eventually agreed with me that actually most of the stick was still in my foot and thought it best to get it out. So off to sleep I went, for about forty minutes and when they woke me up they announced there was no stick to be found. 

I hobbled about for a few weeks, started walking again (up to ten miles a day, in an attempt to get fit after months of not walking) and then my foot decided there was something still in there. Which of course *I* knew.

Eventually they re scanned and tested and found the pesky stick which had been hiding all the time in the arch of my foot. Are you wincing? Well another operation (two incisions) and some rather clever hunt the stick skills by three senior surgeons and I woke up to the wonderful news that we had a 30mm cocktail stick. So Proud. Here's a pic of the little fella.

So, for the past six weeks I have been doing very little housework and when I have had to do anything I have mainly been just moving things around, usually into my art room. This has resulted in chaos in there so tonight I decided to tidy it up, probably best you see the 'before' in the extra photos. The great thing is that in the process I found three small drawings which I had forgotten all about, to celebrate the new tidy art room I sold two of the drawings for just enough to cover postage etc. 

The other one I have the perfect home for. 

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