Go away bugs!
The air is heavy, it's hot and it's horribly muggy. And there are bugs every where.
We're sleeping under a mosquito net and with the fan on. I call it indoor camping, just to make it sound more fun, but in reality it's a pain. But there's no better way to ensure you turn out the light as soon as you're in bed, otherwise you'll have goodness knows how many visitors buzzing around. The carnage to be swept up each morning is a little sad.
Today Beki-tembr, the gardener (the non-hoovering type) was tasked with spraying the house to stop the horrors coming in. I shall be going to bed tonight looking forward to reading and maybe even looking at the internet.
I'm also praying for rain, probably along with the rest of Zimbabwe, as they say at home, 'the weather is about to break'. We need a good dollop of rain to ease this heady, heavy weather. It has been trying, we had about 6 drops earlier and some thunder, the net result is a power cut, so in fact, it's probably going to be a candle lit bedroom tonight. So there is a plus, because it makes it all terribly romantic when you're living by candle light.
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