
By Kuifje

One of the Crowd

They had always been together, for as long as anyone could remember. Five of them, yet to everyone else there seemed to be more of them, tens, twenty, fifty or so of them. There influence was that great. Yet not everyone enjoyed their company.

To be honest, the general consensus was that they were nasty, stinging little spoilt brats. They were given far too many freedom both at home and at school. For the most part, if you weren't with them, you were against them and that was not a comfortable place to be.

She hadn't wanted to part of the crowd to begin with. When she first arrived at the school, she had clocked their shocking behavior and had wanted to be as far away from it as possible. Yet as time progressed, she became more and more wound up in their web and found that after a year, she was one of them, as equally witch-like and barbed as the other four.

The most recent incident pushed her too far however, and now she wanted out. She wanted to look different, she wanted to stand out from the rest, to be able to separate from the crowd and be noticed for only herself. She wanted to be less green, to be less barbed and as a result to gain freedom from their weed-like domination of the corridors.

It wasn't going to be easy though. She'd have to change, her appearance, her mannerisms, her friendship groups. Perhaps it was all a bit too much. Perhaps it was going to be too hard. Perhaps she should just bend with the others and and follow the direction of their lead........

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