
By Birgit

Art Class Tuesday

Halfway my climb up the hill I noticed my defect front light, but it wasn't dark yet so I continued cycling.I wasn't sure about my backride though. I could have parked my bike at a bus stop to go by bus, but it was such nice weather for a cycling tour and the forecast for tomorrow was snow and rain. Didn't want to take the trouble to return tomorrow to collect my bike when it's snowing. I decided to decide on my way back if it was posible to cycle back without bicycle lights.

On my way back I cycled very slowly. There are no street lights along the main road. Only in the villages, but I cross just one on the 10 kilometer distance. It was terribly dark and upcoming cars were blinding me with fog lights. I checked the time table at one those bus stops where there is a decent rack to park your bicycle but the bus wasn't yet to be expected.

Well, I've made it, obviously and in one piece. I didn't know that the asphalt of the cycle track is a bit hight lighted in the dark. When there are no cars passing on the adjacent road it is almost easy to see it. I'd like to see a illuminated border of the cycle path, though.

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