Dicing with Death, or A Study in Rio Wiring

HH called out this afternoon to say he’d spotted a marmoset outside his window – first sighting in our little mews (apart from the one we had as a pet, many years ago).  I grabbed the camera - no time to get the longer lens from upstairs - and found the little fella (he didn’t look fully grown) running along the wires near the gate. By this time a lady outside was calling down blessings on his head and invoking God’s protection for him, quite a performance. I was also hoping he wouldn’t electrocute himself, but concerned that he might be a juvenile offender, returning from a raid on birds’ eggs.  He may have been attracted by the ripening mangoes on the tree outside our house, but it’s also where the wrens have their nest. I’ll have to listen out for them - hope they've survived.
Had the first nibble to rent our house out for a few days during the Olympics – exciting and daunting at the same time. Had to accelerate the tidying up process before taking more photos. There’s still a long way to go, though.

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