Nanou in Anjou

By nanou

Hello everybody, I'm so happy to be back on blip after a ten days trip in Southern Tunisia where our daughter Marguerite just got married! (sorry we were so busy before we departed, I didn't have time to warn you, quite rude of me)

It would be an understatement to say that all went splendidly well. As I'm sure my words won't (can't) be enough, I'll try to depict this amazing event with my pictures the best I can. I think I'll post a backblip everyday so that you have time to feel the atmosphere in this highly traditional but not religious wedding :-) Stay tuned!

Day one, she's not married yet, it's the hen party. Only women are allowed
and her brothers and brothers in law. We've danced and danced until our bones hurted. Isn't she radiant?

Please see extras.

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