Kevs Tractors

Oh my goodness did Mr Tbay have fun or what. Whilst in Kingston SE we discovered that there was a tractor collection there called Kevs Tractors. Of course this had to be investigated!

Kev had just over 200 tractors in his massive collection which was spread in several sheds. Vintage tractor after vintage tractor! So many and so little time to get round them all.

After much consultation we decided to blip the Hart Parr. An unusual little number, and one I had never seen let alone heard of .

Hart Parr was founded in Madison , Wisconsin in 1897 . In 1905 the company moved to Charles City Iowa when WH Williams became there sales manager. He is credited with inventing the name 'tractor' in 1907! Hart Parr was the first successful manufacturer of internal combustion engine powered tractors. The first model was produced in 1902 and by 1905 Hart Parr was operating the first factory solely for the manufacturing of tractors. By 1929 Hart Parr was merged with the Oliver Chilled Plow Co., the Nichols and Shephers Co., and the American Seeding Co., to form the Oliver Farm Equipment Co. Mr Tbay thinks that this was a model produced in the 20's . A most unusual little find!!

Oz hols still progressing nicely! We explored Phillip Isalnd today. Just lovely!

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