A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


I found three jars full of keys today. I think one set may belong to my parents' house, I know one set is an old set to our neighbour's house, and I know there are some window locks in there. I am reasonably certain that there is a set for a flat that neither my brother nor the lurkers who sold it to him own anymore. And I think some may be old keys for this house. That probably still leaves about 30 unidentified keys. Any takers?

And ideas on what I'm supposed to do with them all???

Other than that excitement today has been far more donestic-oriented than was intended which means tomorrow needs to be wall to wall work but I did get a lot of stuff done.

J had a bit of a low point earlier today. He says all days feel the same to him and I can really see that. Though at the same time I wonder if it's harder on days when he knows everyone else is at school getting on with their stuff. He rallied after I collected Anna and I had found him a magazine of the Top 100 video games to read. And when Carl came home. It's not been a bad day for him, just a hard and frustrating one. 18 days in and he would like to feel more progress. It is a little blink and you miss it but we really think it is there.

Anna meanwhile has spent hours and hours doing homework that we thought we were on top off and somehow has caught us completely by surprise.

Lesley x

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