
By shropsiren

Meet my new teacher

Tonight my blip was supposed to be about Mary who founded the Restart Africa orphanage in 2008. Unfortunately I didn't get chance to get a photo of her today, so that will be later in the week.
This morning was spent in the office, this afternoon I spent at Restart with Luke the tecchy expert who is going to help me raise the online/social media profile of the charity.
The picture I almost posted was of a group of the children having choir practice in preparation for a joint event with a local school. The song they were singing was called Ancient Words, not a song I am familiar with, I'm more of a Bon Jovi fan, however they sang it beautifully and it gave me my dose of happiness for the day. It almost brought a tear to my eye, almost!
The picture I decided on is of one of the Restart children. Meet Elizabeth, who is 8 years old. Her English is better than mine and she is a very chatty and engaging little girl, with quite the sense of humour. She has decided that she is going to teach me some kiswahili, yes it was her idea. She is going to write down 10 words each day for me to learn overnight and she will test me the following day. This is going to be interesting as I have zero ability to learning new languages. I look foward to being reprimanded by an 8 yr old for not doing my homework.

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