High Peak

Yes, I've put a filter on it. What of it? I was just messing about but I found I liked it. I guess I'm not as Straight-Edge as I thought. Before long I'll be banging a donk on everything...

It's actually the hill at Minninglow seen from the High Peak Trail. We tested out the bike rack by transporting them to the Black Rocks just above Cromford and then managed to set off on them in the wrong direction. It's a mile and a half, down treacherous hill (three exclamation marks there were, on the sign advising cyclists to dismount) to High Peak Junction, which turns out to be the start of the Trail - and thus the start of the mile and a half's trudge back up. So, an hour in, we'd got nowhere, were already knackered and had barely straddled the damned bicycles. Luckily things improved after that - though I was quite glad at times of my new winter cycling gloves and funny skull cap thing that stops the wind that whistles through my helmet from going straight onto my head...

Otherwise it was something of a Sleaford Mods centred weekend, what with the sell-out Rock City homecoming gig on Friday night and the new, also sold-out, documentary premiere at the Broadway on Saturday - all together now, "ROCK CIT-EH... FULL 'OUUUSE...!!!"

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