A splendid autumnal day. Sun, wind, coloured leaves, shopping for food, walk along the Weser, a really peaceful day.
My picture shows an enormous rock in the sea, the Mediteranean for that matter, and you see me standing in the water, shoes in hand, before this amazing rock.
A holiday, decades (of course) ago, it could be at Ventimiglia, where my parents with my little sister and me went several years in a row.
Staying at the same camping, a wonderful time because friendships and little romances came easily there.
This is my contribution to the wonderful monomonday challenge hosted by Nickimags888 and the original theme for this day is:  Rock.

My haiku:

Solid as a rock
I wanted to be but no
That still took me years

And the proverb:

The sea refuses no river.

1605  London Prodigal  I,i  (Shaks. Apoc.)

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