Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

I Need Food

There is no food
What is a bird to do?
This  not good
Who did she decide to screw?
So what is our plan two?

I decided I needed to take a few days off from feeding and watering the finches because of the eye disease that so many of them seemed to have.  I did some research and it is something that is more prevalent on the east coast but has now spread west of the Rockies.  The advice given is to do what I am doing in the hopes that the diseased birds would scatter away from the food sources so as to not contaminate them any further.  They would be spreading this eye disease to other finches through contact with dirty feeders and watering holes.

By the way, this one was cleaned well just a few days ago. The marks on the inside of it are from the seed used over that course of time.

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